All You Need To Know About Mental Health

For a long time now, mental health has remained one of the most important health concerns globally.
Yet, the public still lacks sufficient awareness of it. In turn, it leads to the risks of mental illnesses heightening and worsening.
Luckily, you’ve found the best place to learn about mental health. We’ll walk you through its foundations and how you can improve your mental well-being.
We won’t only be talking about what mental health is and why it’s important. In this article, you can look forward to knowing about the changes, rates, and even the causes of mental disorders.
Spreading awareness is not only for the benefit of others but for yourself as well. Knowing such may lessen your risk of an illness or a disorder. Further, it may help you recover if you already have one.
Mental Health Foundations to Help You Be Strong and Resilient
Despite the collective resources and knowledge about mental health, millions still suffer from its disorders and illnesses globally.
Knowing the basics of mental health is crucial, but gaining knowledge on how to attain it is more important.
With this knowledge, you can beat the numerous causes of mental illnesses. Not to mention, you will also be able to help the people around you.
The foundations of mental well-being are not as unattainable as they seem to be. All you need to gain a strong foundation against poor mental health is to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and of course, mentally.
These dimensions of well-being are the key to a strong foundation. Plus, simple healthy habits and choices are all you need to gain it.
The Steps to Mental Well-being
Everyone wants to achieve mental well-being.
But the thing is, they are often discouraged by the lack of knowledge of the act itself. Not to mention, common or popular processes seem too challenging to a beginner’s eye.
Achieving mental well-being requires a holistic and proactive approach. For instance, it requires connecting with other people, being physically active, and mindfulness. The results won’t be apparent overnight, but with persistence and determination, you can strengthen your mental health.
Recognize Suicide Risk And Optimize Prevention Worldwide
While the fact that 1 in 10 people globally is diagnosed with a mental illness may be disturbing (especially when you think about those who did not undergo diagnosis), the world’s suicide rates may be more shocking.
Every year, 800,000 people die from suicide. To break it down, that’s 1 person committing suicide every 40 seconds.
More so, for every person that commits suicide every 40 seconds, 20 people fail at their suicide attempt.
These rates are disturbing, but they exist to help us understand just how much suicide impacts us and just how unaware we are of it.
This is why awareness of the causes and risks of suicide is important. Plus, knowledge of prevention methods can lessen these rates drastically.
Most Common Kinds of Mental Disorders
The number of mental disorders that have been discovered continues to increase as the years pass by.
As of now, there are nearly 300 mental disorders. And the leading one is depression.
Just as logic goes, the more mental disorders there are, the lesser awareness the public has of them. The lack of awareness over such things can heighten the risks and worsen the causes, which we wouldn’t want.
There are seven types of mental disorders. In addition, each disorder has various sub-categories, each with different signs and symptoms you must be aware of.
With this knowledge, we can be aware of the early signs of the said disorders and have the chance of preventing them from worsening.